Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Water in desert coolers

Summer season is standing next door. Fortunately, April has not been very hot this year controlling demand of desert coolers in hot and dry states like Rajasthan.

We approximately consume atleast 150-300 lt of water through evaporation in desert coolers. Recently (over past 2-3 years now) a new development has hit the market: two-stage evaporative coolers. This technology involves first stage as sensible cooling and the second stage of eveporative cooling, offering a reduction in water consumption as well as control on humidity which is a drawback of normal coolers.

I am yet to see domestic scale device of this type, though commercial scale devices are in the market. Also trying to make one here in MNIT through students to see its merits and limitations in small scale application. I strongly feel that this version of air coolers would change the HVAC industry and would be a threat to AC market.


  1. Indirect evaporative cooling technology is comparably very simple to HVAC. Its residential model could be the best solution for most of the Indian cities. Once I came across a US based company named AdobeAir, I suppose they are making residential coolers with indirect evaporative cooling technology.

    Good to know that MNIT is practically exploring it by making one. :)


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